
Aruba Arriba: Tambu Bar, Aruba

Coco500, San Francisco, CA: Hot Lips

EOS, San Francisco, CA: EOS Refresher

Farina, San Francisco, CA: Basil Supreme

Wo Hing General Store, San Francisco, CA: Mescal for mi Amante

Monday, November 3, 2014

Muerte-rita at the Alembic in San Francisco

I've been wondering what drink or celebration would get me back to blogging my favorite drinks. With Dia de Los Muertos, I hope to resurrect Drinks in the City.

Steven, a DITC correspondent texted me and asked where to go for Day of the Dead cocktails in San Francisco. Honestly I hadn't looked until he asked me. We decided to meet at the Alembic to check out their specials with Suerte Tequila. He instantly knew which one I'd order....the spicy one. The habanero kick plus the subtle hints of raspberry, mint and cinnamon has brought this blog back to life. Thank you Alembic and Suerte Tequila!

I am sharing drinks in the city on Instagram. So follow us there if you'd like more up to date trending drinks.

The Drink - The Muerte-rita
Suerte Reposado, Solerna, habanero, raspberry gum, lime, cinnamon, and mint
The Place - Alembic
Haight/Ashbury in San Francisco
Bar with snacks

The Place
San Francisco, Haight Ashbury
Open daily noon to 2AM

Other Alembic Drinks
Mint Julep