
Monday, April 30, 2012

Pimm's Cup, First Floor

The First Floor is located in the Notting Hill neighborhood of London. It's on the street where  Portabello Market takes place. On this crowded and dreary Saturday morning, the First Floor was a nice escape from the hustle and bustle of Portabello Market. It was literally jammed with wall to wall people trying to walk in both directions in no orderly fashion. It took me 20 minutes to walk 2 blocks just to get to the restaurant. First Floor's website perfectly depicts the walk up to the restaurant. Per their website, "Walk up to the top floor and you enter an unexpected fairy tale world where gothic meets baroque."

The Pimm's is a bountiful gift from a garden cocktail with Pimm's. It satiate's your thirst and calms your nerves after a harrowing escape from the Portabello Market crowd. Just when the Pimm's arrived, the sun came out. I was so fortunate to capture this photo in that moment. No trip to the United Kingdom is complete without having some Pimm's! It's fruit salad in a glass.

For those stateside, the first floor in the UK is actually the 2nd floor to us. The Ground Floor (aka first floor for Americans) has a wonderful bar which per their website has "a kicking cocktail list, specialty tequilas and bourbons". I wanted to grab a drink their post-lunch, but I had a tourist schedule to adhere to. When I return to London for another visit, I will definitely be going to the Ground Floor to quench my thirst.

Brit Week 2012 continues!

The Skinny
lunch, dinner,
Pimm's,  £4.75 ($7.67)

A big thank you to my British born interior designer friend who suggested that I go to the First Floor. Check out her blog and website for some British inspiration.


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